Wellcome to the
Software Must Be Free - Project

Intention of the Project:

Software Must Be Free is a strict private Software-project. It was ceated in the aspect of publishing programs written for only private purposes. This programs are created from the joy at programming. Due to the private character of the project, the published programs can only be tested on a few hardware environments. There is the hope of a lot of feed backs to improve the program code.

The programs are published under the conditions of the GNU General Public License (GPL). (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/).

Request of the Project:

The name of the project identifies the social request. "Free Software" is not primarily a synomym for free of costs, but making software and information available to everyone without any limitations.

The essential characteristics of "Free Software" are:

- to copy and use the program for any purpose,

- the source code is available to every user,

- the source code can be changed by everyone and these changes can also be published as "Free Software",

( see also http://www.gnu.de/documents/gpl.de.html )

Let's append some personal thoughts:

- Your PC ( = personal computer ) is a piece of your privacy. You excactly want to know, what is installed on your computer.

- There is at least the suspicion, that some of the commercial software provider have a great interest in your personal data.

- The project should encourage you to publish your own programs, although you are not a professional programmer.



- a graphical user interface to the crypting program "ccrypt",

- Windows XP ff and Linux are supported


Martin Hilscher, hilscher@softwaremustbefree.eu